A Batalha do Meio Ambiente

A Batalha do Meio Ambiente

Este livro trata das realizações do Governo Montoro na área do meio ambien­te no Estado de São Paulo e as repercussões positivas que elas tiveram significam uma grande mudança. Essa mudan­ça é caracterizada tanto pela prioridade dada à questão co­mo pela escala...
Paraty: Nomination for UNESCO

Paraty: Nomination for UNESCO

Paraty Culture and Biodiversity is a mixed and serial site comprising a total of 05 components. The limits of the proposed site are defined by the territories of 4 protected areas, and by the territory of the historical center of the city of Paraty. Clique para...
Lençóis Maranhenses: Nomination for UNESCO

Lençóis Maranhenses: Nomination for UNESCO

The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is dominated by an incomparable landscape. It is formed by successive chains of dunes interspersed by temporary and perennial lagoons that dazzle tourists from all over the world. Along the 80 km of coastline of the park, there is...